sd memory card

Shooting Video: Memory Card Do’s and Dont’s

When it comes to your sports video tower or end zone camera system, it’s easy to focus on the gear and overlook the smallest essentials: your SD card! The truth is, it’s just as important to your video camera and tower.

Not only is an SD card critical to have a reliable storage device, but it is also one of the most ignored when it comes to keeping your camera gear in good working order. Luckily for you, we’re here to help you make the best of your SD card, so it can last you a long time and capture that HD footage! 

The Do’s

Do #1: Always Backup Your Storage 

Just as you’d back up your hard drives and memory cards on your computer, you should also back up your SD cards. Depending on how many games or practices you’re shooting, you could have a lot of footage on an SD card that you don’t want to be at risk.

Backing up your footage is important, whether it’s to a secure location on your computer, to an online platform like Hudl, or onto another storage device. When you’re working with SD cards, it’s just as important to back up your files as it is to make sure your data is secure.

Do #2: Have Back-Up SD Cards When Filming

When capturing your game film with your end zone camera, the last thing you want to do is have your SD card fill up while filming. It’s best to keep at least one backup SD card in your bag at all times in case you need one in this type of emergency. 

Do #3: Store Your SD Cards in a Secure Place

Whether you’re at home or away game, you need to make sure you’re keeping your SD cards in a secure place. You never want to throw your SD card in with your wallet or leave it laying around your camera when you’re not shooting.

The Don’ts

Don’t #1: Fill Your SD Cards All the Way

Many make the mistake of filling their SD cards all the way with footage. However, this can make a camera’s internal memory a bit of a nightmare. When an SD card is filled all the way, the computer has to try to put all that data into the flash memory. In some cases, this may cause interface failures, or worse, recording issues and corrupted files. Even more important, if your SD card is filled up before the game ends, you will miss that footage. 

It is always best to leave a little bit of space on SD cards in case you ever need to dump footage from the camera onto it and/or ensure you can capture your entire game. 

Don’t #2: Keep Your SD Card Protected

This is an easy one: it’s important to protect your SD card and keep it out of the elements (rain, cold, extreme heat). These elements can negatively impact the functionality of the SD card, or even worse, cause you to lose your all of your footage that you may have captured from your tripod or even endzone camera. 

The Bottom Line: The Importance of Caring For Your Camera

The SD card is one of the easiest and most vital pieces of your camera, and keeping it in good order and using it properly can save you a lot of time and headache when it comes to editing your footage.

Where Can You Find the Best Sports Video Camera? 

High-quality endzone camera systems are an asset to coaches and teams, so it’s to spend your money on a piece of equipment that will provide value for the long haul. You can find the best endzone camera system here at Hi Rise Camera with high-angle and aerial video footage capabilities. 

Contact us at (877) 305-1950 and see what we can do to get your games’ most dynamic video footage, no matter the angle you need to take a winning shot!