sd cards

SD and MicroSD Card Types: What You Need to Know

If you have a camera for sports, camcorder, drone, or mobile device, you probably use a memory card. The phrase “SD cards” is a general term that refers to SD, SDHC, and SDXC memory cards. They are versatile and can be used for any kind of camera, from beginner to professional ones. Beyond just knowing that you need an “SD card,” it is essential to know which specific card is right for you:

What Does SD Mean?

SD (Secure Digital) cards are a type of memory card used in many electronic devices, such as digital cameras, camcorders, and laptops. SD cards come in three different sizes: Standard, High Capacity (SDHC), and Extended Capacity (SDXC). Standard SD cards have a maximum capacity of 2GB, SDHC cards have a maximum capacity of 32GB, while SDXC cards have a maximum capacity of 2TB. 

Which SD Standard and Capacity Do You Need?

SD cards come in a variety of different standards and capacities. So, which one is best for you?

The standard you need depends on the device you’re using. If you have a newer device, such as a digital camera or smartphone, it may require an SDHC card, SDXC card, or Micro SD card. 

The capacity you need also depends on the device. Since you will be shooting video with your endzone camera system, you’ll need a higher-capacity card. At a minimum, we recommend using a card that has 16GB. If you are able to get a 32GB card to start, that would be better.

  • 2 GB: This is the minimum capacity recommended for most uses, including digital cameras, camcorders, and other devices that record or store large amounts of data.
  • 4 GB: This is a good choice for users who want to store more data than a 2 GB card can hold, such as high-definition videos or a large number of photos.
  • 32 GB: Is ideal for users who want to store large amounts of data, such as high-definition videos, game films, and highlight footage.
  • 2 TB: Is ideal for users who want to store large amounts of data, such as high-definition videos, multiple full games and other large video files.

When choosing an SD card, make sure to check the device’s requirements to ensure you are getting the right type. For example, if your device only accepts Micro SD cards, but you get a standard size SD card, it won’t be compatible with your devices (and vice-versa). Once you’ve nailed this down, you are all set to begin capturing that great video footage!

One of the great things about getting the Sky 250ET tower from Hi Rise Camera, is that all of that research and work determining the best SD Card is done for you. The Sky 250ET tower includes the Sony CX405 video camera and 32GB Micro SD Card. That means when your Hi Rise tower is delivered, you can begin shooting video immediately. Now that’s real convenience! Learn more about the Hi Rise Camera video camera tower that will fit your endzone camera and/or soccer filming equipment needs. Our towers are travel friendly, Hudl compatible, include a 10-year manufacturer’s warranty, and much more. Check out Hi Rise Camera today!